The cherry is placed and turned over regularly on large terraces (or patios) and African beds to dry there thanks to the wind and the sun (3 weeks). She is covered by sheets at night, to protect her from humidity. It will then be stripped and classified by size.
The cherry skin is removed by a machine then left to ferment (12 to 72 hours) in large cement vats. Once the process is complete, the grains are washed in trenches with running water and sorted through traps according to their weight. The drying method will be identical to natural.
This treatment combines the washed and natural method. The “Honey Process” consists of pulping the coffee cherry (while leaving the mucilage on the beans). Then the cherry is put in the sun to dry. The grains are stirred regularly to prevent grain fermentation. There are different recipes (defined by the quantity of mucilage preserved). White and Yellow Honey: the cherry is washed just after pulping. Gold, Red and Black Honey: Cherry retains more mucilage volume.